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UOP process license

Dr. Kim 2024. 12. 28. 12:35

프로세스 라이센서에 있다보니 다 알수도 없을만큼 많은 종류의 process를 상용화하고 있다.

이게 다 실제 상용화되어 판매되고 운영되고 있고 계속해서 upgrade를 하는 중이다.

고객사의 요구에 맞춰 그에 맞는 프로세스를 설계하고 메인 장비들의 data를 같이 제공하는데 내가 하는 일은 회전기기류의 hydraulics, PID, PFD, spec, datasheet들을 담당한다.


1. Refining process

- Gasoline upgrading

UOP CCR Platforming process: Catalytic reforming

UOP Penex process: Light Naphtha isomerzation

UOP Par-Isom process: Light Naphtha isomerzation

UOP BenSat process: Gasoline benzene reduction


- Gasoline From LPG

UOP HG Alkylation process: Motor fuel alkylation

UOP ReVap Modified HF process: Motor fuel alkylation mitigation system

UOP InAlk process: Motor fuel alkylation (indirect)

UOP Butamer process: Butane isomerization


- Conversion

UOP Unicracking process: Conversion (single stage, two stage)

UOP Fluid catalytic cracking process: Octane enhancement and propylene production

UOP LCO-X process: FCC light cycle oil conversion


- Hydroprocessing

UOP Unionfining process: Hydrotreating

         UOP MQD Unionfining process: Maximum Quality Distillate (single stage, two stage)

         UOP Distillate Unionfining process: 

         UOP VGO Unionfining process: 

         UOP RCD Unionfining process:

UOP SelectFining process: Olefinic naphtha selective hydroprocessing


- Treating

UOP Merox process: Hydrocarbo treating

         Liquid-Liquid extraction Merox: 

         Sweetening Merox


- Residue Upgrading

UOP Uniflex process: Slurry residuum hydrocracking

UOP Catalytic crude upgrading process: standard crude upgrading

UOP/FQUSA solvent desaphalting process: Residue solvent deasphalting

SYDEC Delayed coking process: Delayed coking


2. Petrochemical process

- Aromatics

UOP Parex process: Para-xylene adsorptive separation

UOP Sinco solid state Polycondensation process: PET resin production

UOP Sulfolane process: Aromatics extraction

UOP Tatoray process: Aromatics dis-proportionation

UOP Isomar process: Xylene isomerzation

UOP MX Sorbex process: Meta-xylene adsorptive separation

UOP PX-Plus process: Tolune dis-proportionation


- Aromatic Derivatives

Lummus/UOP EBOne process: Tolune dis-proportionation

Lummus/UOP Classic SM process: Styrene monomer

Lummus/UOP Smart SM process: Styrene monomer

UOP Q-Max process: Cumene

Sunoco/UOP Phenol process: Phenol (from Cumene)


- Olefins

UOP Oleflex process: Propane dehydrogenation

UOP/HYDRO MTO process: Methanol to olefins

Total Petrochemicals/UOP Olefin cracking process: Olefin cracking (Olefin cracking, Steam cracker integration)

UOP MaxEne process: Naphtha seeparation

Huls UOP Selective Hydrogenation process: Selecrive hydrogenation

Huls UOP Butene-1 recovery process: Butene-1 production

UOP Prolylene recovery process: Propylene recovery


- Detergents

UOP Linear Alkylbenzene (LAB) complex: Bio-degradable detergent intermediate production

        UOP Molex process:

        UOP Pacol process

        UOP DeFine process

        UOP PEP process

        UOP/CEPSA detal process


3. Hydrogen

UOP Polybed PSA system: Hydrogen purification

UOP Polysep Membrane system: Hydrogen purification

Hydrogen management services:


4. Gas processing

- Natural gas treating

UOP Amine guard FS process

UOP Benfield process: 

De-hydration and Sulfur removal

Mercury removal

Ortloff technologies: NGL recovery and elemental sulfur production

UOP Selxol process: Natural/synthesis gas treating

Integrated LNG Feed pre-treatment: 

UOP Separex Membrane system

FLNG and FPSO Feed pre-treatment: Natural gas treating

Syngas treating


5. Renewables

UOP/Eni Ecofining process: Renewable diesel fuel

UOP Renewable Jet process: Renewable oil hydrogenation

The Engergent RTP process: Bio-mass conversion


6. Adsorbents

Molecular sieve adsorbents



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